
Premiere Pro Organizer

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Premiere Pro Organizer

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Premiere Pro Organizer

Premiere Pro Organizer is a script for Adobe Premiere Pro that helps you organize your project files by moving them into designated folders. This can help keep your project files neat and tidy.


  • Customizable folder names: You can set the names of the folders that the script will use to organize your files.
  • Easy to use: Just run the script and it will organize your files automatically.
  • Works with various file types: The script can organize a variety of file types, including footage, audio, images, projects, and video files.
  • Ability to ignore files and folders: You can add files and folders to be ignored during the organization process by separating them with a semicolon ";".


To use Premiere Pro Organizer, you will need to install it as an extension in Adobe Premiere Pro. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Download the PremiereProOrganizer.zip file from the latest release.
  2. Un-zip it in your Common Files.
    • For Windows: %appdata%\Adobe\CEP\extensions
    • For Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
  3. Open Adobe Premiere Pro and go to the Window > Extensions menu. You should see "PremiereProOrganizer" listed there.


  1. Open the Premiere Pro project you want to organize.
  2. In Premiere Pro, go to Window > Extensions > Premiere Pro Organizer.
  3. Set the names of the folders you want to use to organize your files.
  4. Click the Organize Files button and the script will move all files in the root into the designated folders.

Upcoming features

  • Save and Load botton, to keep your files names in the extension even if you restart Premiere pro
  • Add and delete folders from the already made list

Other information

  1. I'm not a dev, just a video editor that uses ChatGpt and google, and created this because I'm lazy to organize my folders.
  2. I did it for my workflow and it may not be for yours.
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