Premiere Pro Organizer
Premiere Pro Organizer
Premiere Pro Organizer is a script for Adobe Premiere Pro that helps you organize your project files by moving them into designated folders. This can help keep your project files neat and tidy.
- Customizable folder names: You can set the names of the folders that the script will use to organize your files.
- Easy to use: Just run the script and it will organize your files automatically.
- Works with various file types: The script can organize a variety of file types, including footage, audio, images, projects, and video files.
- Ability to ignore files and folders: You can add files and folders to be ignored during the organization process by separating them with a semicolon ";".
To use Premiere Pro Organizer, you will need to install it as an extension in Adobe Premiere Pro. To do this, follow these steps:
- Download the
file from the latest release. - Un-zip it in your Common Files.
- For Windows:
- For Mac:
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
- For Windows:
- Open Adobe Premiere Pro and go to the
Window > Extensions
menu. You should see "PremiereProOrganizer" listed there.
- Open the Premiere Pro project you want to organize.
- In Premiere Pro, go to
Window > Extensions > Premiere Pro Organizer
. - Set the names of the folders you want to use to organize your files.
- Click the
Organize Files
button and the script will move all files in the root into the designated folders.
Upcoming features
- Save and Load botton, to keep your files names in the extension even if you restart Premiere pro
- Add and delete folders from the already made list
Other information
- I'm not a dev, just a video editor that uses ChatGpt and google, and created this because I'm lazy to organize my folders.
- I did it for my workflow and it may not be for yours.
14.2 KB
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